Pratyaksha(a widely read Marathi daily) Editorial dated 25-Dec-08 has the do's and dont's during war-time. Most of the people who are going through these posts are in their late 20's and early 30's and have never experienced a war before. My personal opinion is that all should go through this Editorial.
Click here to read the entire Editorial
Some extracts from it ....
.......‘War’, be it of any kind, is best avoided as far as possible; says history standing witness to the fact. However, when the destruction resulting from the avoidance of
war is far more horrific than that resulting from the aftermath of war, ‘war’ is the
inevitable option........
........Every single field in Pakistan is passing over to the hands of terrorist groups......
........ The wars of the past and the war in the times to come, differ greatly in their technique and principles......

Other Editorials from the Daily Pratyaksha related to 26/11:
A Satyagraha Commited to co-operation (4-Dec-2008)
That Precise Moment - Muhurta (23-Dec-2008)
Such are the Times... (24-Dec-2008)
Mumbai Attacks
The irresponsible and irrelevent actions taken by Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks makes one thing clear.... Pakistan wants War, at least some elements in Pakistan are desperate to have a war with India. Pakistan's stance after the attacks and the its repeated warnings to India over an attack had the only intention of shrugging away its responsibility of the Mumbai attacks. It was trying to portray such a picture that India wants war and Pakistan is just doing the duty of protecting itself.
Isn't it time that we teach them a lesson once and for all ????
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